Opening Hours : Monday To Saturday - 8am To 9pm 0674 2355099

Our Services


Our Glaucoma Department - offers early diagnosis and treatment modalities for Glaucoma, a silent thief of sight. We provide comprehensive Glaucoma care unit by introducing advanced diagnostic equipments Like Humphrey Visual Field Analyser, Alcon Ocuscan for Central Corneal Thickness calculation to detect and treat and control this sight threatening disease. Our goal is to provide you with the finest eye care possible. All our ophthalmologists are registered with the Indian / Odisha Medical Council and are Members of All India Ophthalmological Society & Orissa State Ophthalmological Society. Our paramedical Staff, Ophthalmic Assistant, Optometrists, Vision Technician and Nursing Staff are Experienced and well trained in their field.


Advanced Eye care Hospital is one of the leading Oculoplasty centre in the state. This department is handled by well experienced specialists and team. Various procedures like DCR, Ptosis correction. Lid surgeries and other oculoplasty procedures including Prosthesis implantation is done here.


Advanced Eye care Hospital cataract clinic is highly equipped with state of the art cataract examination & surgical technology. This department is handled by well experienced specialists in the most advanced surgical techniques such as Microincision cataract surgery. We implant only high quality and trusted imported and exportable branded intra ocular lenses to render a world class treatment.


The OPD is equipped with advanced equipments like Anterior Segment Imaging system, Cannon Autorefractometer, Digital Vision testing equipments, Keratometer, Alcon Ocuscan with A-Scan and Pachymeter, Applanation tonometer, Humphrey Visual Field Analyser etc. The OPD is manned with trained and experienced technicians for various ocular investigation and vision testing. The OPD data are maintained through a EMR and the flow is paperless.